Tuesday 4 June 2024

Should voting in this election be about punishing the Conservatives, signalling to a future Labour government or something else?


I didn’t write about the election last week because I didn’t think there was anything of interest to say that I haven’t already said. At the moment at least the Conservatives are saying anything that might shore up its elderly core vote, however silly, unfunded or poorly thought through those proposals may be. But two recent articles in the Guardian about voting strategy are sufficiently interesting to write about.

I have always advocated tactical voting under the UK’s FPTP system, because I view voting in an instrumental way (how can I achieve some end) rather than an expressive way (voting as a statement about oneself). Actually I would put it more strongly: the right way to vote in a UK General Election is to vote to achieve a better social (or social group) outcome, and if you can do that but you instead vote for the party whose policies are closest to yours you are being a little selfish, anti-social and irresponsible. If you disagree, please read this and tell me why my logic is incorrect.

An article by Jonathan Freedland suggests a very different, backward looking voting strategy, which is to punish the government that has done so much harm over the last fourteen years. The only punishment the voter can enact is to not vote Conservative under any circumstances, but more specifically to vote tactically to ensure the Conservatives have the worst possible result in terms of seats won.

I agree with Freedland about how bad the government has been over the last 14 years. We all know how poor economic performance has been over this period. Hopefully in a later post I will try and evaluate (in money terms for the typical household) how much of that is down to government policy. Add to that the collapse in public services, the increase in child poverty, the corruption, the endless and blatant lying, vote rigging, cruelty towards minorities and incompetence, and there hasn’t been a government as bad as this in my lifetime.

I also have to admit that the idea of using my vote to punish the government for all this is emotionally attractive. With a largely supportive print media, and the BBC under its influence, this government has avoided accountability for its mistakes for so long it deserves to do disastrously in this election. Although the 14 years have seen five Prime Ministers and countless different ministers, most of those changes have been the result of internal rivalries or the desire of Conservative MPs for self-preservation rather than accountability for mistakes. Indeed one of the many things that has made this government uniquely bad is how it has ignored offences that would have in past led to resignations.

However, the idea of voting based on how much you dislike the last government has its obvious flaws. To take a recent example, many may have voted against the last Labour government in 2010 because of their failure to regulate the financial sector sufficiently to reduce the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the UK economy. However this ignores the fact that the Conservative opposition were constantly criticising Labour for too much regulation. Inevitably the backward looking performance strategy for voting choice tends to focus on what the government did rather than what the opposition might have done if it had been the government. [1] It is much better to use the past to inform a judgement about how well political parties will behave in government.

So although the punishment strategy is emotionally appealing, and may well govern how many will actually vote, I don’t think it is persuasive as a strategy for how people should vote. Luckily in this election my own preferred strategy, and Freedland’s punishment strategy, amount to doing the same thing, which is where possible to vote tactically against the Conservatives.

The second article, by Sonia Sodha, discusses a voting strategy that departs from tactical voting against the Conservatives. The idea proposed by some on the left like Owen Jones is to vote for other, more progressive parties than Labour, even where this might lead to the Conservatives winning the seat. She mentions three reasons often given for doing this. The first is that Labour are no better than the Conservatives, but this is obviously false. The second is that Starmer cannot be trusted because he has dropped most of the policies he won the leadership promoting. As Helen Lewis describes here, Starmer is ruthless about winning and therefore prepared to adapt his positions to that end. But that makes him much more like the average Conservative politician, rather than worse than Sunak and his ministers.

The third, more interesting, argument goes as follows. The outcome of the election is bound to be a Labour majority, so not voting for them in the (now many) Lab/Tory marginals will do no harm. [2] On the other hand voting for a more progressive party would send the next Labour government a message that it cannot take the more progressive vote for granted. Sodha attacks this argument by questioning the politics of the more progressive alternatives to Labour, but as I frame the argument this is beside the point, which is to influence what the next Labour government does.

This is an example of a class of departures from tactical voting against the greater evil that I discussed in my post mentioned at the beginning. But as I also said in that post, most such arguments don’t stand up to scrutiny. Does this one? For the moment let’s assume that a Labour win with a comfortable majority is 100% certain.

Labour in opposition have pursued a clear strategy to win, which is to place Labour in a policy space just to the left of the government, while avoiding any policy differences that might deter Conservative voters from 2019 switching to Labour. An obvious example of the latter is to avoid the subject of Brexit. As government policy has moved significantly to the right while the electorate has not, together with the government’s terrible performance, Labour’s strategy for winning is perfectly sensible, even though it places Labour to the right of most voters on some issues.

The downside to that Labour strategy is that you don’t give your natural core supporters very much positive to vote for, so those voters may not bother to vote or vote for more progressive parties. In other words Labour’s strategy in opposition already assumes that some potential Labour voters will vote for more progressive parties. In that case it makes sense, if Labour are bound to win, for those on the left to discourage a Labour government continuing this strategy when in power by maximising the vote of other progressive parties.

In practice I think that signal is pretty weak. As I argue here, if a Labour government acts in anything like the cautious manner its election campaign suggests a large percentage of those who voted for it will become impatient and disillusioned and this will show itself in large increases in support for the Greens and LibDems a year or two after the election. That, rather than any voting patterns in this election, is what will influence a Labour government.

Still, under the assumption that Labour will win this election comfortably, for progressives to vote for a party whose policy platform is closer to theirs will almost by definition do no harm. However I think there is a better strategy that would do more social good than sending a weak message to the Labour leadership. It involves thinking not about a Labour government, but the opposition to it. 


What happens to the Conservative party after its defeat? The most likely scenario, as I’ve argued elsewhere, is that it continues in much the same policy space as it currently is. If Labour is successful this will tend to keep the Conservatives out of power, but if Labour makes any big mistakes or if accidents happen then the Conservatives will return to power, and we are likely to see another long period like the last fourteen years. In other words, the pattern that began in 1997 will be repeated (where the ‘accident’ was the subprime crisis in the US). In a country where the right wing press has such an influential role, it is foolish indeed to assume a very socially conservative, economically very right wing party can never win an election.

How can this depressing long term future be avoided? The radical way to avoid it would be to take political power away from wealthy media barons and money more generally, but I doubt that Labour governments will have the courage to do that. In addition reform from within the Conservative family (press, MPs, members, donors) is unlikely even if the Conservatives end up with around 100 seats after 4th July.

What could be enough is if the Conservatives lose so badly that they are no longer the main opposition party in the eyes of the media or voters. Being the official opposition gives you much more visibility and influence than being a third party, as any Green or LibDem member will tell you. (The exception is of course Reform and Farage, but again that reflects the power of the right wing press.) The party that can challenge the Conservatives for this official opposition role are not the Greens but the LibDems. If the Conservatives were no longer the official opposition, or had to share that role with another political party, that just might be enough to make Conservative members and newspapers ask whether the party has become too right wing and too socially conservative.

I don’t think this outcome is likely [3], but current polling suggests it is possible with strong tactical voting. Furthermore it has a greater impact than voting Green (say) would have on a future Labour government, so it seems to me to be a more effective and progressive strategy for those on the left to follow. It involves doing similar things to Freedland’s punishment strategy, because both involve voting in marginals against the greater evil, but it comes from a forward looking perspective. But there is an interesting little twist that this strategy adds in some seats where both Labour and the LibDems could plausibly unseat a Conservative MP.

For example, my own constituency is traditionally Conservative, with the LibDems as the main challenger and with Labour in clear third. However, according to the FT model although all three parties today have that same ranking they are very close in terms of number of projected votes. There are likely to be a number of seats like this, where the LibDems have traditionally been second to the Conservatives but where Labour’s popularity has moved the projected Labour vote closer to the LibDems. Without tactical voting, or voting for a more progressive party, the Conservatives could well retain the seat.

In these circumstances should I vote LibDem or Labour, assuming no clear guidance from constituency polls and where projected vote shares based on modelling and national polls is very imprecise. Suppose also that I have very little information about or preferences between the Labour and LibDem candidates. If Labour wins it would add one to an expected large Labour majority, but if the LibDems win it would strengthen their role as an alternative opposition to the Conservative party. If a Labour government has to worry as much about a LibDem opposition as a Conservative one, this would push the UK political discourse in a more socially liberal direction. The best social outcome, as well as the best way to punish the Conservatives, would be to vote LibDem rather than Labour in these particular circumstances.

I therefore remain convinced that tactical voting against the Conservatives where relevant remains the best option for this election. However where it is not clear whether Labour or the Liberal Democrats have the best chance of defeating the Conservatives, it also makes sense in this particular election and if the polls remain as they currently are to vote for the LibDems. This is not because the LibDems have better or worse policies than Labour, but because the real prize in this election would be to deprive the Conservatives of clearly being the main opposition party after 4th July. 

[1] An exception may be among voters whose views are well away from the political centre, who may be tempted to use their General Election vote to punish moves towards the centre, or other failings, by the main party who might otherwise get their vote. For example, preventing Diane Abbott or Faiza Shaheen from being Labour candidates during the election campaign cannot be justified in electoral terms (it will almost certainly lose Labour votes and possibly seats), and looks much more like a factional witch hunt. However unless that voting strategy achieves some change in the party they want to punish, it just represents another example of expressive voting.

[2] There are a small number of seats where the LibDems or Greens have a good chance of winning against Labour, and where there is no chance of splitting the progressive vote and letting the Conservative candidate win. In these seats tactical voting does not apply. In addition tactical voting is irrelevant in safe Labour seats, so voters are free to vote in a more expressive way.

[3] 1997 suggests that the LibDems do well in terms of seats when the Conservatives do badly. Tactical voting will mean they will do better in terms of seats than their national vote share would suggest.


  1. Presumably the main argument against voting instrumentally is that if you follow the instrumental logic to the end you should not vote since the probability of a single vote impacting the outcome is very low.

  2. These attempts to support tactical voting by some kind of utilitarian calculus are never very persuasive. if in 2019 you thought that voting for the party subsequently sanctioned by the Equality and Human Rights Commission would, put politely, send the wrong signal, holding your nose and doing so anyway would have been a bad decision. Voting Labour wouldn't have secured victory, which was far too far away, and voting for them anyway would have been couterproductive in securing the necessary change.

    For the likes of Jones, who is only interested in securing a kind of purist result, voting Labour is a terrible choice. The Tories will lose and he is thinking longer term, when a child of the king over the water returns to control the Labour party.

    So, because, there is not one end point outcome here (ie the result in this election is not all that matters, contrary to the premise above) these attempts to come up with some kind of tactical voting caclulus don't work.

    Don't make yourself a party to evil, remains my advice.


  3. The real prize in this election is a peaceful transfer of power. Hopefully nobody will die or be injured during this election. This bloggers analysis is too nuanced. After 14 years of poor government decisions would the UK be any semblance of a democracy if a change of government could not be achieved?

  4. Redwood Rhiadra4 June 2024 at 18:58

    "On the other hand voting for a more progressive party would send the next Labour government a message that it cannot take the more progressive vote for granted"

    The real message this sends is "We hate liberals and prefer to see fascists win."

  5. When a Paty openly lies to people, such as they infer as Labour does, that the are setting up a publicly owned publicly run energy company, giving the impression this will generate the essential power we need in the future - what they are actually doing is setting up an investment bank to fund any project they think viable to produce this power. This means anyone corporate, social or local authority. Whilst at the same time proclaiming to end the dependence of private sourcing of power, which it patently won't.

    This form of dishonesty hardly bodes well for government where Neo-liberal outsourcing has destroyed any form of coherent economic strategy, and only served to fill the pockets of the already rich.

    New Labour are no different to the Tories and Libdems on any issue, which means more of the same. What is required is a clear alternative, and you don't get that unless people vote for it. We also don't need a nicer form of neo-liberal that has suddenly found out their policies are unpopular, hence move slightly left, we need rational policies that work for everyone, as we witnessed with the post war Labour Party. Where even Harold Macmillan had to admit, selling off the state silver was a big mistake.

  6. Your argument is nearly persuasive and were I not in a seat where the greens do have a chance, I might be seriously considering voting for labour or lib dem to keep the tories out. I can see much merit in trying to kick the tories such that they are no longer the opposition. I also went back and read your arguments first time around and the comments thereto, some of whom make arguments you haven't addressed and which I find pretty persuasive.

    The main issue I have with your argument is that, if I vote tactically, there will be no change to the system. It becomes or remains legitimate and taking your argument to its natural conclusion, we will have a two, not a three, party system. After all, you should vote for the opposition right? because they are the only ones able to gain power and affect change, even if they no longer really do anything in your interests.

    So the opposition party becomes slightly less right wing than the incumbent party. Each time, aided by the media, the overton window moves right - and, and this is key - the opposition moves with it.

    This isn't some kind of theoretical fantasy either. See for example the USA. We thought Bush was bad...then came Trump...what comes after Trump? Probably something worse. Each time, the democrats are enacting policies which harm their base and effectively are hollowing out the people they are supposed to represent. What happens? They vote for the strongman and we get more extreme and less liberal.

    For these reasons, we just cannot do as you suggest. This system needs breaking. However, if you can shape your argument so that a tactical vote can mean real change in a positive direction, I'm all ears.

  7. Very interesting post, Simon. Like you I am an instrumental voter, but with a different objective; maximising the Green Party vote. On the grounds that a high enough Green Party vote would result in a Green landslide (analogously to what happened with the SNP in 2015 - they went from 6 seats to 56). I realise it's going to be a long slog and that doesn't bother me - the policy platforms of the other 3 main parties in England (Labour, Tory, Lib Dem) are so similar that there's very little to choose between them. But I view this as an instrumental vote, not an expressive vote, given my political preferences.

  8. Saying voting for your own personal reasons is unethical doesn't feel right to me. I'm over 40 now, and I can see we live in a managed democracy at best. You can have any colour you like as long as it's black; the game is rigged. So you could argue participating is itself unethical. The rules of our electoral system are not a force of nature; humans control them and those that fight tooth and nail to maintain them are the ones that could be considered unethical. I am quite honestly tired and fed up about being told that to think another way to operate exists is madness, and to even think so means you are unhinged and not to be trusted. But oh, can I have your vote anyways because: have you seen the other guys? Sorry no, the fault does not lie with me voting green, the issues of morality and ethics sit with politicians and the press and commenteriat that push these poisoned choices towards us. I do not want to participate in this charade.

  9. I have been a Tactical Voter all my life. This is why it matters.

    People are making comparisons with the Canada 1993 election as a possible outcome for the Conservative party. You hear absolutely no mention of the Ontario 1990 election where perennial third-place party, the New Democratic Party, went to bed early on election night and woke up the next morning as the government. This is a feature of the Canadian tendency to vote against who you don't like, seen in the polls of the Canada 2015 election as the public decide which opposition party to coalesce behind.

    The myth that "X is a wasted vote" is a form of voter suppression designed to maintain a duopoly, offering only a false dichotomy. The rationale behind the Sunak/Starmer debate is that they are the only possible candidates for PM. This self-fulfilling prophesy is the same given only 10 years ago for not airing women's football on television that it wouldn't be popular, when in reality few could watch games that were not aired. Combined with the decades long stance of the BBC and other media talking exclusively about Conservative v Labour (the sole exception being UKIP/Brexit/Reform, having elected fewer MPs than the Green Party), oxygen has been starved from any arguments other than "we will be almost like the government, without the bits you don't like". Contrast this with the Major and Blair years when the general public had an idea of who Paddy Ashdown or Charles Kennedy were.

    Perhaps the most virtuous reason for giving small parties your vote (when you feel that it really won't make a difference to the outcome) is to help a hard-working candidate keep their deposit, so they can continue campaigning in the next election, local or national, on policies you align with. They are the ones making democracy work.

    Links for your reference (delete/edit as you see fit)


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